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7 Tools and Resources to Keep Organized as a Small Business Owner

Every small business owner has a few tricks up their sleeve when managing a schedule. The different resources, tools, and tricks that keep someone on a specific task help unlock the full potential of what they do best.

Whether you need help assigning projects, managing deliverables, or tracking time, there is a tool that can help.

If you’re trying to stay on top of everything while flying solo as a small business owner, here are some of the best choices to consider using so that you become more organized.

What Are the Best Options for Staying Organized as a Small Business Owner?

Although it takes some time to learn a new tool, you’re investing in yourself. The following options deliver multiple dividends once you understand how to maximize each one’s various features.

1. Focus To-Do

This resource makes it much easier to implement the Pomodoro method of staying productive. It takes care of the timers for you so that you’re not anxious or stressed about how much time passed.

The Pomodoro method is relatively straightforward.

  • Work for 25 minutes.
  • Take a five-minute break after the productive session.
  • After completing four 25/5 cycles, take a 15-minute break.

You can use this tool to set whatever time length you prefer. It’ll be most effective when making a list of what needs to be accomplished before the start of the day.

2. Trello

This organizational tool combines simplicity and versatility. You can add complex layers or create visual reminders of where things stand visually.

Several extensions are available to help you customize this tool to fit your needs, such as adding custom fields to your cards.

One of the most effective ways to use Trello is to create “piles” for each set of tasks. What are you working on right now? What has already been completed?

Are there new projects that need to be on your radar? With the color-coding feature included with this tool, you’ll see where you are with a simple glance. 

3. Google Tasks

Most small business owners constantly check their inboxes, notifications, and direct messages to ensure their employees and customers are satisfied. These tools create numerous networking opportunities outside of the standard daily communications required to operate a company.

This tool adds dates and times to your Gmail calendar automatically. If it finds information that needs to be on a schedule, it’ll put it there. You have the option to add subtasks to the main ones for even more specificity.

4. Evernote

Although multitasking isn’t idea, it is sometimes necessary to move from one job to another as a small business owner. When operating on these different frequencies, it helps to have a tool that reminds you of what needs to get done.

With Evernote, you’ll have a resource that captures voice, video, and more. It documents ideas, helps with notation, and even tracks links.

You can connect this tool to Google drives or sketch a handwritten note. That way, you’ve got multiple ways to retain information for when it is needed at a later time.

5. Zapier

Business owners that need to integrate multiple apps into a single platform can benefit from this tool. Instead of managing various rules or tasks to complete work, you can send it to Zapier to complete the process automatically.

6. Monday

Many small business owners juggle multiple vendors, clients, and independent contractors. It can feel like a full-time job trying to communicate with them all. With this tool, you have numerous integrations that let you accomplish numerous tasks.

It has enough flexibility that nearly any business can benefit from its features. You can set up boards for numerous tactics, activities, or tasks. That way, entire teams can collaborate remotely, or owners can stay on top of their schedules. 

7. Expensify

It’s much easier to stay productive as a small business owner when you have tools and resources that simplify your tasks and keep your schedule organized. Consider using the options here that make the most sense for your needs so that you can become more efficient with your time.

When you have tools and resources that simplify your tasks and keep your schedule organized, it’s much easier to stay productive as a small business owner. Consider using the options here that make the most sense for your needs so that you can become more efficient with your time.