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How to Sell Your Product on Amazon: 5 Tips and Recommendations

When you need an item, where do you go? Walmart is a great option, but what if you don’t want to leave the house? This leaves you with one option: online shopping. Have you ever gone online shopping? If you haven’t, you probably don’t live in this century. 

In all seriousness, you could ask anyone on the street if they’ve gone online shopping and they most likely have. And, when you ask the average person to think of an online retailer, he or she will probably favor Amazon. Almost everyone has heard of the company at the very least. So it only makes sense that you would want to sell your product on Amazon.

Along with being well known, Amazon is user-friendly for both customers and merchants. It offers decent profit margins alongside even better opportunities for getting your name out there. Their prices are great, and they are known for having almost everything you could ever want. Basically, if you’re not selling your product on Amazon, you should be so that when your customers ask if your product is online, you can confidently answer with the affirmative.

Amazon is well known as one of the largest and most successful online retailers. Selling your product on their website would not only be helpful to the growth of your company and sale of your product but could be the key to the overall success of your original product idea.

Once your product is established you will need the production line in place on a mass scale and an outlet to take on that responsibility. A company like My Product Today can be just the ticket for helping you with the mass production of your product. Check them out at

Below are the five most important tips and recommendations I have to help you have the most success possible while selling your product on Amazon.  

Work Out the Logistics 

Before you can start selling your product on Amazon and begin making money, you will need to work out some of the logistics of your product page and account. These details include choosing a selling plan through Amazon’s website and creating an Amazon seller account, among other logistical tasks. 

While these steps may feel tedious, they are actually crucial to the selling process. Your account and selling plan will affect almost every aspect of your sale, as these determine your profit margin and the interface that your customers will see when they interact with your product listing. 

Details, Details, Details!

One of the most important aspects of your product listing is the amount of detail that you will include. Barebones product listings are often avoided and for good reason. If a customer doesn’t know what exactly they are purchasing, they won’t want to add it to their cart. However, if a customer can see the exact details of the product that you’re listing, they will be much more likely to purchase it. 

A few of the main details that you will want to include are as follows: title, images, variations (color, size, scent, or flavor choices), and a description. Make sure that your title is accurate, but that it will also catch your potential customer’s attention. Consider what information you would want to see if you were purchasing the product that you’re listing. Think as if you were the customer, and you will be able to identify what details are missing. 


Another piece of the process that is absolutely critical to allow your product to sell well is the amount of effort that you put into your advertising. Not only does advertising allow others to know about your product, but it can make or break their decision to purchase it as well.

Be careful though; you don’t want to pay so much for expensive advertising that you don’t have any profit margin-left. There are plenty of less expensive ways to advertise. Social media, blog posts, and word-of-mouth are great avenues to pursue when you first start out. 

Later on, as you begin to make more money and can afford to do so, you can rent billboards, pay for advertisements on websites, and even make a commercial if your product fits that style of advertising. 

Competitive Pricing

Another important aspect of your sales success might seem obvious but is so important that it must be listed: pricing. If your prices are too high, no one will purchase your product and if it’s too low it could raise red flags as to the quality no matter how efficient your advertising efforts are or how enticing your description details appear. 

Prices can vary wildly depending on what you’re selling, where you are selling it, and to whom you are selling. Therefore, take these details into account when you are setting your prices. You can also play around a bit with pricing, watching your sales to see how they increase and decrease depending on how you adjust your prices. Regardless, make sure your prices are competitive enough to bring in customers while still leaving you with a proper margin of profit. 

Rave Reviews

It is likely that your first few customers (or a few hundred, depending on how many friends you have) will be people that you know personally. This is greatly to your advantage. You can request that these beta customers leave reviews on your Amazon product page. This will attract other customers, assuming the reviews are positive. The more reviews that you have, the more reliable your product will seem. And, if your product comes across as reliable, your customer base will want to support it.

You can also offer incentives for customers you don’t know personally to leave reviews. Whether you give them a ten percent off coupon for leaving their first review or have a free sample product to offer when they give you their opinion, giving others a reason to talk about you and your product is always a good thing.

Start Selling! 

Now that you know the top five tips for selling your product on Amazon, you are ready to get started! Follow our advice and you could see your sales increase drastically. Be prepared to start turning out lots of your product because, as Amazon customers find your page, they will begin buying! 

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