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Benefits and Tips on Outsourcing Menial Tasks to VAs When Starting a Small Business

Let’s face it, starting a business can be overwhelming. With so many small business tasks to take care of—but only having a limited amount of time to do them—it’s easy to feel bogged down. 

Outsourcing is one of the best ways to scale and grow your small business. If you’ve recently started a small business, there are several non-core tasks you don’t need to worry about handling. 

This article will discuss some benefits of outsourcing to virtual assistants and tips for working with them.

What is a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant is a person who provides administrative support to a business or individual. They can be outsourced to help with anything from email management to social media management and are typically hired on a short- or long-term basis, depending on the needs of the business. 

You can also hire remote virtual assistants, which means they work remotely and not in your office (although they may still meet with clients face-to-face). Virtual assistants specialize in customer service, accounting, finance, content creation, social media management, or search engine optimization (SEO).

The Benefits of Outsourcing to a VA

Having a VA is a great way to increase your productivity, but there are many benefits to outsourcing some of your business tasks.

Here are some benefits that can help you decide whether you should hire a VA:

     1. Boosts Efficiency

As you know, time is money. This is especially true when starting your own small business. You want to spend as much of your valuable time on the essential things and as little of it on menial tasks as possible. 

That’s where a virtual assistant comes in handy—they can take care of some of those tasks for you, allowing you to focus on what really matters: building your business!

     2. More cost-efficient

When you hire a virtual assistant, they’ll handle the menial tasks and allow you to focus on what you do best. This is especially helpful when starting your own business. 

You have many decisions to make that will affect its success or failure, but if these decisions were left solely up to you, it would be easy for things to spiral out of control. A VA can help track all the tasks needed so that nothing falls through the cracks.

     3. Helps Expand your Network

A VA can help you expand your network in several ways. For example, they can help you find new business opportunities. They may also introduce you to people you could collaborate with on projects or hire as employees. 

You’ll have the opportunity to learn from other entrepreneurs who come into their lives and build relationships with them, eventually leading to mutually beneficial agreements and partnerships down the road.

     4. Increased flexibility

Another benefit of outsourcing is that you can hire a VA to work during your business hours. You don’t have to be at the office all the time. 

You can hire someone to help you focus on marketing and sales. You can also outsource tasks like data entry or research to free up time for yourself to focus on what matters most: growing your business and making sure it’s profitable.

This flexibility lets you work from home if that suits your schedule best or even allows you some time off if necessary.

     5. Hire according to your needs

You don’t have to hire someone full time if you do not need their skills all year round. Instead, you can hire them when needed and let them go when it’s no longer required. 

This way, there will be no leftover employees who have nothing to do because you hired them only temporarily or part-time.

Where to Find a Genuine VA for Your Business?

As a business owner, you will want to take advantage of the many opportunities that outsourcing offers. Outsourcing helps you grow your business while saving time and money. 

But how do you find legitimate virtual assistants? There are plenty of options available today, including:

     1. VA Service Providers

VA service providers are people or companies that provide virtual assistants to small business owners. As the name suggests, VA service providers assist you with various tasks by working remotely. 

VA service providers have several benefits over traditional in-house employees or freelancers. First, they save time because they don’t need to commute to work. In addition, these workers will complete their jobs more quickly than an in-house employee could.

     2. Freelance Websites

There are many freelance websites, including Upwork, Freelancer, and PeoplePerHour, that you can use to find a virtual assistant. These sites have thousands of VAs available to hire.

When looking at freelancers’ profiles on these sites, make sure they have relevant skills listed under the “Experience” or “Skills” sections on their profile pages, and ensure that they can provide proof of this by attaching past work samples (such as project descriptions or screenshots) when applying for jobs.

     3. Job Boards

Finding the right virtual assistant is all about finding the right fit. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as posting a job and hoping for the best. 

You need to make sure that your potential VA has the skills and experience needed to do the job, and you also need to ensure that they have a respectful attitude.

That’s where virtual assistant job boards come in handy.

Job boards are one of the best ways to find qualified virtual assistants because they allow you to filter through hundreds of applications simultaneously. And if you’re looking for a specific type of professional or skill set, you can use job boards to narrow your search results even further.

How to hire a virtual assistant

Outsourcing is a great way to save time and money when starting a small business. But there are some important considerations to keep in mind when choosing your virtual assistant. 

Here are some tips for outsourcing to VAs:

     1. Document your process before you outsource it.

If you have recurring tasks in your business, such as responding to customer service requests or data entry, document how they should be handled so someone else can easily repeat them. 

Documenting these processes can save you from having to explain them repeatedly each time someone needs help with them. It also makes it easier for the VA to complete the task for the first time.

     2. Write a job description to attract the right virtual assistant.

When outsourcing small tasks to virtual assistants, it’s essential to write a job description to attract the right candidates. Ensure your job description is specific about the tasks that need to be done and includes exactly what skills are required of your VA. 

Also, specify what work hours you need, how much pay you’re willing to offer, and any other details that might help them decide if they want to take on this project.

     3. Hire your virtual assistant

You’ve finally hired your own virtual assistant. Ensure that the right person is taking care of your business needs.

When looking for a VA, there are a few things you should consider:

  • Reputation and Reviews: You want someone with experience in their work, so check out their reviews and references before moving forward.
  • Price: Yes, they must be affordable, but if they’re too cheap, something might be off in terms of quality of service or time spent on projects.
  • Skillset: Do they have any certifications or relevant work experience? How much experience do they have doing what you need them to do? Can they handle both basic tasks and more complex ones as well?
  • Communication Style: This will come into play when hiring someone remotely because communicating effectively becomes even more critical when working outside of an office environment where face-to-face communication can help smooth over potential problems.

     4. Set up a system for keeping them accountable

Before hiring a VA, it is vital to set up a system to keep them accountable.

Set up a system for reviewing their work. This could include setting up weekly or monthly meetings where you can check in with them on their tasks’ progress and ensure that they are staying on track with what you agreed upon. 

You will also want to check their work periodically throughout the day so that if any issues arise, you can address them immediately.

Set up a system for giving feedback. Your VAs must know what they need to do and how well they did it. If there was something specific about their performance (or lack thereof), let them know so that they can improve in future assignments. This type of accountability will help prevent problems from becoming bigger down the road, saving everyone involved time and energy.