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The Top Types of Content Every Business Should Create

To build a successful online business, you must create lots of different content. The days of one type of content are over. To grow your business and keep the customers’ attention, you need a content mix, including video, audio, blogs, and social media. 

There is no one-size-fits-all way to create content or one type that will work every time. It comes down to your target audience and what works for them. 

This post will look at the top content types every business should create. We’ll explore what they are and how they can help you achieve your business goals.

The Content Types Your Business Should Use


The bulk of the content you create will be one of these types.


     1. Social Media Posts

Social media posts are an easy way to engage your audience. If you’re already posting updates on your social media accounts, you can use those spaces for more than just sharing news, events, and other information about the company.

You can also use social media to promote your products and services, as well as any upcoming events or promotions that you might have going on. 

While it may seem obvious at first glance (after all, why would someone want to buy something from a brand they don’t recognize?), social media is one of the most popular ways people discover new brands and products online today.

     2. Testimonials

Testimonials are a great way to build trust, credibility, and brand identity. They also help you establish yourself as an authority in your industry. 

Testimonials also help you gain more leads because they offer social proof that your business is trustworthy. If someone sees that other people have used or benefited from your product or service, it will encourage them to do the same thing.

Nowadays, many businesses collect testimonials on their website or email signature block section to display them on social media platforms. This creates a positive image for the company, which would lead to new clients being attracted to them.

     3. Landing Pages

Landing pages are a great way to convert visitors into customers, collect leads, build a community, and increase brand awareness.

Just like an effective elevator pitch is used to get the attention of potential clients on the fly, you can also use a landing page in many ways. It’s generally best practice for businesses to have one landing page per specific goal or offer.

     4. Newsletters

Newsletters are a great way to build your brand and provide value to your customers. When you send out newsletters, you can share updates on your business and new content and build relationships with readers. 

You can also use newsletters to promote products, services, and events.

You can use newsletters:

  • To announce new products or services.
  • To provide information about upcoming events hosted by the company.
  • To educate customers on how they can get more value from using the product or service offered by the company.

     5. Blog Posts

Blog posts are great for businesses to show off their expertise and knowledge. As the name suggests, blogs are driven by the author’s voice, so your blog posts must have a conversational tone.

You can write about anything you want on your blog as long as it applies to your business and is helpful to readers. The best way to do this is by sharing information that others may find useful in their day-to-day lives or businesses.

     6. Infographics

Infographics are visual representations of data and information. They’re a great way to share your business’s message in an easily digestible format that people want to read.

A good infographic will be informative and visually appealing, making it easy for readers to understand the content while also feeling compelled by its design. 

For example, let’s say you own a coffee shop; one of your primary goals is probably getting people to visit your coffee shop more often. Here, an infographic about the health benefits of coffee would be a great way to drive traffic into your store by informing customers about their favorite drink’s benefits and encouraging them to try it again or for the first time.

     7. White Papers

A white paper is an educational piece that demonstrates your expertise in a particular industry or topic. It can also act as a sales tool to show the value of your products or services, and it’s often used to position you as an authority on a subject.

White papers help get people excited about what you do. You can use them to promote yourself in the media and boost brand awareness.

     8. Video Content

Video content is an effective way to communicate a message; you can use it in many ways. You can use video content to educate, inform, and entertain your audience. It is also a great way to promote your business and brand.

You can create videos designed to drive traffic to your website or landing pages, including slide shows or animated graphics showcasing the benefits of becoming a customer. 

You could even create short commercials that air on local TV stations or YouTube videos that feature testimonials from happy customers talking about how much they love your company’s products or services.

     9. Step-By-Step Instructions

Step-by-step articles are a great way to teach your readers how to do something. They’re instrumental when you have a particular topic in mind and are looking for a way to share your expertise with people who might not know about it.

A step-by-step article is also known as a “how-to” or an “explainer.” It’s essentially just that—a detailed explanation of how to accomplish a task or goal in a particular situation. 

When writing this kind of content, think about:

  • What exactly does the reader want or need? 
  • How can you help them get there?
  • What steps would someone need to do all those things? 
  • Which ones matter most? 
  • How will they benefit from each step along the way?

     10. Ultimate Guides

A guide is a step-by-step resource that helps people learn how to do something. Guides are an excellent way to provide value to your audience, and you can easily share them with others via social media or email.

You should write guides in a conversational tone, ensuring that the information is easy for your reader to understand. They should also be comprehensive enough for readers who might not know where to start when attempting a new project or skill set. 

Finally, guides should contain plenty of visual elements (like images), so it’s easy on the eyes.

     11. Guest Posts

Guest posts are great for building relationships with other businesses and sharing your expertise. They can be a great way to share content you’ve created, which will help you build an audience.

These articles are also an excellent way to create backlinks for your site, which improves its ranking in search engines. Guest bloggers should make sure they use keywords relevant to their industry when writing their posts—and include links from that blog post into the body of the article (not just at the end) so that readers can find more information on your website or social media profiles.

     12. Podcasts and Vlogs

Podcasts and vlogs are great ways to engage your audience. Podcasting is the recording of audio content that you can broadcast online and listeners can download it. Vlogging (or video blogging) is like regular blogging but uses videos instead of text.

Podcasts are a great way to deliver content to your audience while they are on the go—whether driving in their cars or working out at the gym. They’re also an excellent medium for delivering valuable information because your audience can easily listen while doing other activities, like commuting or exercising.

     13. Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great way to keep in touch with your customers. You can send emails regularly and use them as special announcements when you have something new or exciting to announce.

Email marketing allows you to address your customers and allow them to sign up for more information about your business offerings. If done correctly, emails can help grow your customer base and increase sales of existing products or services.

     14. Q&A Content

Q&A content is another type of content that’s great for your business. This type of content is highly valuable because it helps your audience find answers to questions they have and allows them to see if their questions are being addressed by the company.

Asking questions on social media can be an effective way to engage with prospects and connect with them meaningfully. It will also allow you to build relationships with other influencers within your industry through shared experience, which can lead to collaboration opportunities down the line.

     15. Press Releases

Press releases are a great way to get your business out there; they’re not just for big companies. You can use them to announce new products and services, new hires, new locations or expansions, or even launch an app or website.

Using engaging language and headlines, you must write press releases to catch the reader’s attention. For example: “XYZ Company Launches New Product Line” is better than “We Launched A Product.” 

Ensure you include all the relevant information in your release so that it’s easy for readers to understand what makes your product special—or in this case, why they should care about it.